Saturday, January 12, 2019

My New Favorite ISE Setting

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And by favorite, of course I mean least favorite ever.

This one has been a thorn in my side for a while now. In the User Password Policy (Administration > Identity Management > Settings > User Password Policy), under Password Lifetime, there's a setting called "Disable user account after ____ days if password not changed." This setting is enabled by default, with a value of 60 days.

What happened is that I set up a pretty weak password policy for convenience including passwords that do not expire (it's a lab environment, and I only have the one local user account in ISE) but seemingly out of the blue, the account would become disabled. At one point, I even deleted the account and created a new one. Who notices it's been exactly 60 days? I'd reenable the account, and the next day it would be disabled again. The only thing I use this ISE local account for is the automated testing feature on my 802.1x enabled switches. This account becoming disabled leads to a long list of nasty red failed authentications in the Live Log.

For reference, here is the setting:



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