Saturday, October 8, 2016

CCNA Question of the Week 4

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This week, we had an open ended question that covers a lot of areas.  This is a take on a question that was asked during the phone screening for my first I.T. job.  As with all questions in this series, do not make assumptions, and do not answer a question that was not asked. Just answer the question as completely as your knowledge allows.

Your computer was just started and you just logged in and then loaded your favorite web browser.  No other actions have been taken on this computer and no other programs have been launched.  You type into the URL bar of the browser and press Enter.  Between now and when the page finishes loading, describe everything that happens in order for that page to load.


Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Official CCNA Group Rules

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Group Rules:
1.This is a network for the network associate. All legitimate things CCNA related, as well as most other I.T. topics may be discussed here.
2.Things that may not be discussed here include (but is not limited to): Brain-dumps, any other form of copyright infringement, any illegal activity, spam, politics, and personal attacks. It doesn’t matter if it’s legal where you live, Facebook is an American website. If you like a post, that is considered the same as if you posted it yourself.
3.If says it’s a dump, then it’s a dump and this isn’t open to negotiation.
4.Do not post homework questions with the expectation that the answers will just be provided. We are willing to help if you don’t understand something, but this group isn’t here to just do it for you.
5.The admins, and only the admins, will decide and enforce the rules.
6.Not knowing is no excuse. You shouldn’t be posting anywhere on the Internet if you don’t know the rules. Violators of any rule are subject to immediate banning.
7. No new accounts. No offense to anyone, it's just that accounts newer than 30 days are where the majority of spam comes from. If you get turned away for this, feel free to try again later.
8. No one word answers. If you can't explain why the answer is d, then you don't need to be the 15th person saying d. Contribute something meaningful to the conversation.
9. Don't try to add people to the group. Nobody gets in without an admin's approval, and I do not approve anyone who did not join on their own.

Group FAQ:

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

CCNA Question of the Week 2

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In the following image, you'll see a network topology.  In this topology, the routers are running the RIP routing protocol.  As is traditional with these questions, I'm going to strip out all the irrelevant information.  We're not going to see any router configuration, IP addressing, or anything else that would distract from the question at hand.  The key thing we're going to focus on here is that there are 20 routers.  First, we'll start with a couple assumptions:
  • The RIP routing protocol is configured correctly on every router.  
  • Nothing in the routers configurations differ except for IP addresses and networks in the routing protocol.
  • The IP addressing scheme is correctly subnetted, and the routers are addressed correctly on every interface.
So this week's question is, can the RIP protocol function correctly in this topology?  And for a couple follow up questions:  Why or why not?  Does it make a difference if we're running RIPv1 or RIPv2?

The first thing that probably comes to mind is that the RIP protocol has a maximum hop count.  Most CCNA students go here first when something of this nature comes up.   Now let's consider the difference between hop count, and the number of routers in the topology.  The hop count refers to the number of hops between two routers.  It says nothing about the number of routers in the topology.  

So Let's look at the two routers that are furthest apart, R1 and R20.  In this particular topology, there is no path from R1 to R20 that is more than 7 hops.  And if there a path that exceeded the maximum hop count, it would be ignored by the routing protocol, not having any effect on a different route that didn't exceed 15 hops.  

So the answer to the question is yes, this is a valid RIP topology.  Now two routers exceed 15 hops apart, so there is no part of the topology that is unreachable by any other portion of the topology.  PC1 can reach PC2.

And for the final follow up question, it doesn't matter if we're running RIPv1 or RIPv2.  Neither version of RIP will balk at a hop count of 7.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

CCNA Question of the Week 1

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Group member Donovan Bone posted this question in a discussion, and I thought that it would be a great "Question of the Week" for the group.  So a new thread was started for just it, and a lot of members attempted to answer the question. I didn't expect the majority to get it right, but only one got it right in the three hours I watched the replies.  Not surprisingly, the one person who answered correctly is the only one who actually labbed it up.  So here is the question.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Official CCNA Group FAQ

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I've been one of the admins of the group for a few years now, and there's a handful of questions that I see repeatedly posted.  I'm talking about the things that somebody asks at least once a week in the group.  So I've started compiling this FAQ for the group that can be posted as a response to any question that falls within this list.  As with many posts relating to the Facebook group, this will be a living document and material will be added, removed or modified as necessary.

If you haven't already read my post on how to ask better questions, maybe take a minute to look at that as well.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

I'm New, What Should I be Reading?

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In the CCNA group, an often posted question is "what books should I be reading?" or the less inspired "What is the best networking book?"  Well, it's never quite that simple.  What are you looking to learn?  Do you want to become proficient in networking in general, or are you looking to become proficient in Cisco related networking?  Yes, there is a difference.  Do you want to really learn how things work, or do you want to just pass your next certification exam? Again, there is indeed a difference.

I wrote out a long post replying to this recently, and thought I'd save the response here and elaborate a little more.  A little because it's a good topic, and a lot because I'm lazy and will just link this rather than answer again in the future.  If you want to hear the simple answer, go with the dozens of knuckleheads screaming out that Todd Lammle is all you need.  Just ignore their misspelling of his name.  But if you want to actually learn networking, then continue reading.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Netflow Collectors

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One of the big topics currently in Cisco's security track is Netflow.  According to Cisco, "NetFlow provides valuable information about network users and applications, peak usage times, and traffic routing."  With all of it's known, and yet to be discovered uses, it's no doubt that NetFlow will continue to be a big part of Cisco's security exams for the foreseeable future, as well as potentially finding it's way into other tracks if it's not already there.

Saturday, July 9, 2016 in Packet Tracer, Part 3

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In two previous blog posts, which can be found here and here, I started going through the labs on the Free CCNA Workbook website and attempting to perform the labs in Packet Tracer.  My focus lately has been more on my own studies with my first attempt at the SENSS exam scheduled for next month, but with Cisco finally releasing Packet Tracer to the world (you no longer need to be a Cisco Network Academy student to legally download a copy), I've been wanting to revisit this topic.  So in this post I'm going to move on to Section 5, Configuring Wide Area Network Links.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Why is Everyone Upset with RadioShack?

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The following is a position paper that I wrote in April of 2015 To set the timeline, this was merely weeks if not days after RadioShack announced that it was selling it's customer information database, which came shortly after it's bankruptcy. You know, that database that was assembled with the information demanded of you at the register every time you stopped in to grab a pack of batteries. This is in spite of their policy that they would never sell that information without your consent (emphasis mine).

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Symmetric Traffic and IPS

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A well known problem for network and security professionals in the enterprise is asymmetric routing.  At it's simplest, this is where traffic flows outbound through Router A, while the return traffic returns through Router B, or through both Routers A and B.   If you're using a reflexive ACL, for example, this will lead to some, if not all of the return traffic being blocked as it attempts to return through Router B.  This is due to Router A having a record of the outbound traffic while Router B does not.  Riverbed breaks this down into several sub-categories such as complete asymmetry, server-side asymmetry, client-side asymmetry, and multi-SYN retransmit.  But for our purposes here, it's all asymmetric, and it's all a bad thing.  While some firewalls are able to share state to avoid this situation, not all do.  And Cisco Routers running IOS do not.

While asymmetric routing is known to be a problem at the network edge, it can be a problem for security professionals internally as well.  And the larger the network is, the more likely asymmetric traffic is to occur at some level.  When you deploy an IPS sensor in the network, it must be able to see all traffic in both directions for maximum effectiveness.  When an IPS sensor is able to see all the traffic involved in a particular session, you get better threat detection, reduced susceptibility to IPS evasion techniques, and less susceptibility to false-positives and false-negatives. 

While it cannot be completely avoided at the enterprise edge, the good news is that internally, steps can be taken to reduce if not eliminate the effects of asymmetric routing.  So good network design is a must to get the maximum effectiveness of an IPS deployment, particularly if there are going to be multiple sensors along a given traffic flow.

There's a few options to ensure symmetric traffic flows, or to mitigate the effect of asymmetric traffic flows including:

  • Duplicate traffic across multiple IPS sensors to ensure each sensor can see all applicable data.  In addition to the challenges presented in getting all the relevant data to each IPS, we also have a greater likelihood of overloading IPS sensors with traffic, which will result in packets being dropped.
  • Integration of an IPS switch.  This is reducing traffic down to a single switch.  While it is better from an IPS standpoint, it's introducing a single point of failure into the network.
  • Correctly configuring spanning tree parameters to ensure symmetrical paths across Layer 2 areas.
  • Routing manipulation with techniques such as PBR. This is a cost effective solution as it involves only configuration changes rather than additional hardware.  But it adds complexity to the network in addition to requiring cooperation between security and networking. 
  • Sticky load-balancing utilizing technology such Cisco's ACE module or Riverbed's Asymmetric Routing Detection to better reduce the chances of asymmetric routing.
  • In cases of HSRP induced asymmetry, utilize EEM and EOT in order to change the paths of HSRP related routes dynamically.
  • Configuring firewalls as active/standby pairs rather than active/active pairs.
But as you can see, many of these techniques involve taking redundant data paths out of the equation, and therefore reducing the amount of overall usable bandwidth across the network.  Others involve sending more data to or through each IPS unit, increasing the burden on each unit and increasing the likelihood of dropped packets.  So there is obviously a balancing act between performance and visibility.