Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Free CCNA Resources 2.0

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Do you want to become a CCNA with little or no cost out of pocket beyond taking the exam(s)? Between my own attempt at the CCNA and my association with forums and blogs where we eat, sleep and breathe Cisco networking, I have collected a number of free resources that I have collected together here in once place in hopes that it will be of help. I'll try to keep this list up to date as I find new material. Feel free to add a link in the comments or let me know if a link no longer works. Most importantly, PLEASE let me know if I was fooled and listed something here that is less than reputable. Happy Studying!

The exam hasn't changed real drastically from the 640-802 version, some tweaks but nothing drastic. So don't be scared away from anything written specifically to that exam.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stuck Disc in Nintendo Wii

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My daughter has friends over today and they wanted to play an old Nintendo Gamecube game on the Wii as there is no working Gamecube in the house. Naturally it wasn't reading, and it wouldn't eject either. These are the little 2 inch mini CDs. She thought she remembered us putting a second disc in there last time this happened, but that one got pulled in as well, and now we have two discs in the Wii.

I grabbed a putty knife out of the garage and pushed it in, on the right side of the disc slot as you're looking at it. I pressed the eject button a few times, and the first disc came out. Grab it immediately or it will get pulled back in. Same process and the second disc came out as well. They're both a bit scratched up from the ordeal, but they should be fine.

The Savior 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Hyper-V replication across the WAN

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I've recently been working on Hyper-V replication across the Internet to give our clients the option of maintaining an offsite copy of their server in our data center. Everything was going smoothly up to a point. I set up a site-to-site VPN connection between them and us, built an Active Directory two way trust between their domain and ours, and then tried to enter their Hyper-V host into our System Center Virtual Machine Manager system.  This is where I ran into a road block.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Workstation Unable to Join Domain

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I had a computer that would not join a domain. No matter what I tried, it would come back with "The following error has occurred when trying to join the "" domain: network path not found."  I tried just about everything I came across while searching on Google:
  • Disable Windows Firewall
  • Run ipconfig /registerdns
  • Run dcdiag on the domain controller
  • Verify FSMO roles of the domain controller
  • Verify reverse lookup zone in DNS
  • Ping 
  • Verify in DNS

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Free as in Speech

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There's a lot of terms in the world of software that can sound like the same thing to someone not well versed in all of this.  And a lot of these terms have a lot more in common than they have different. adding to the confusion.  So exactly what is Open Source Software (OSS), Free Software, Freeware, Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) or even Shared Source Software? And more importantly, how are they different?  And exactly what is the whole free as in speech vs. free as in beer thing?

Open Source Software (OSS here on) is software where the source code is made available to the users of the software. There are a number of licenses that this software is released under, such as the BSD LicenseThe GPL, and others. I'll skip the pros and cons of all of these different open source licenses and how they differ because that's more of a philosophical debate.  What is important is that you as the user are free to use the software as you wish as well as being able to examine or even modify the source code.  Different open source licenses place different restrictions on redistributing the source code or software which makes use of some or all of the source code.  But any truly open source license does not restrict my use of the software in any way, only how I am permitted to redistribute it, despite a lot of FUD against the GPL that is out there.  I can modify the source code in any way I wish and keep the changes to myself as long as I am not distributing anything containing the original source code or my modifications. If you care to compare and contrast software licenses and your rights and responsibilities as a user or a distributor, visit the Free Software Foudation's website at

The FSF builds on this principle with their term Free Software.  The FSF states that "'Free Software' is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in free speech, not as in 'free beer.'"  To put it simply, when you enjoy free beer, you are free to drink and enjoy the beer, but you're not getting the recipe so you can go home and brew you up another batch tomorrow.  With free as in speech, you are getting that recipe, and you are allowed to make your own any time you wish.  Free as in speech is free software (such as a utility like The Gimp), free as in beer is freeware (such as Paint.NET).

So what is the difference between Free Software and Open Source Software?  That lies mainly with the developers of the software.  Free Software is as much as philosophy as a license.  Proponents of Free Software want all software to be free (within their definition of free) with an almost religious devotion.  Proponents of Open Source Software either just want to share their work or cite the open source model as a superior way of developing software.  Most of us fall somewhere in between and use the term Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) which is fine since both camps use the same licenses.

There is one more category related to this discussion.  Some commercial software vendors provide what what is referred to as Shared Source Software.  This is where the vendor provides the source code for a product to a customer for review, but the customer usually has no rights to anything other than a review.  Therefore shared source is not really related to free and open source software despite the providers attempting to make the case that it is.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Building an ACL

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The different types of ACLs are first identified by the line number used. Standard IP ACLs use numbers in the range of 1 – 99 and 1300 – 1999. Extended ACLs use numbers in the range 100 - 199 and 2000 – 2699. Other types of ACLs which filter traffic utilizing other protocols such as Appletalk, DECNet, IPX, and XNS use other number ranges, however those are rarely used today. Named ACLs of course do not use numbers, but instead text names as identifiers. Other than ensuring that an ACL number falls into the correct range, the numbers have no meaning and can be used as you see fit.

There are two steps in defining an ACL. First, you enter the series of ACEs that define the ACL. Finally, you apply the ACL to an interface. For a standard ACL, the syntax is as follows:

access-list 10 permit
access-list 10 permit
access-list 20 deny

This simple ACL allows all traffic from hosts with IP addresses in the or network. The “access-list 10” statement signifies that each of these statements belongs to the ACL designated as 10. An extended ACL looks as such:

access-list 100 permit tcp eq www

This extended ACL permits tcp traffic originating from the network with a destination in the network utilizing port 80 (“eq www” means “equals www” or port 80). In addition to ‘eq’ for equals, we can also use “lt” for less than, “gt” for greater than, or “range” to specify a range of ports. To apply an ACL, simply enter the configuration of that interface and specify which ACL as such:

interface Serial0/1
access-group 10 out
line con 0
access-group 15 in

This applies ACL 10 to the Serial0/0 interface, and inspects traffic moving in the outbound direction through that interface. An important thing to note here is that ACLs use wild card masks rather than the more traditional subnet masks used elsewhere when configuring a router. An ACL can be applied to any interface, or to any line (console, aux, or vty).

There are a number of mnemonics used by Cisco IOS to specify ports. You can use the actual port number when configuring the router, however the mnemonic will still be shown in the running configuration and startup configuration. Some mnemonics that you will often see include:
  • bootpc
  • ftp
  • isakmp
  • lpd
  • ntp
  • rip
  • ssh
  • telnet
  • www
or “any” to specify any protocol.

A router can have one ACL per interface, per direction and per protocol. What this means is that each interface may have one ACL in each direction for each protocol that the router supports. For example, in a router that supports IP, IPX and Appletalk, each interface may have an ACL for inbound IP, outbound IP, inbound IPX, outbound IPX, inbound Appletalk, and outbound Appletalk. For a router that supports those three protocols and has 3 interfaces, that router can have 18 active and applied ACLs. An administrator can have as many ACLs defined as memory permits, however only the previously specified 18 may be applied and active.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Seizing Internet Domains

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Homework Assignment from the past.

The question of who, if anyone, had authority to seize the domain name of a questionable website first came to the forefront two years ago when the commonwealth of Kentucky attempted to take control of 141 domain names belonging to websites associated with online gambling. While most forms of online gambling are currently illegal in the United States, it was quite controversial when a county circuit judge gave the state the green light to seize control of these sites. The major question about this was the motive. In the state of Kentucky as of 2005, 96,000 jobs were in some way related to the horse racing industry. It is fair to ask whether this was simply attempting to shut down illegal websites, or a state simply looking after its own bottom line.

This issue came to the forefront again recently with what has been dubbed in the media as the “Internet Kill Switch.” This past June, a Senate committee approved the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010 (S. 3480). This bill will create a White House office of cyber security and a vaguely worded section that many interpret as giving the president the authority to effectively shut down the Internet in an emergency. The committee however denies that the president would be able to shut down the Internet. A version of the bill, H.R. 5548, has also been introduced in the House.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pirate DNS

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Some of the main characters in the peer to peer file sharing world, led by former Pirate Bay spokesperson Peter Sunde have announced their intentions to launch a competitor to the ICANN manged DNS system. ICANN is an independent non-profit organization, however it often complies with the wishes of the U.S. government. The alternative system will feature its own root server followed by a full naming system. The Pirate Bay is an infamous web site known for the coordination of illegal file sharing on the Internet who's servers are constantly on the move across the world while it's operators thumb their noses at law enforcement. The ultimate purpose of the so called “P2P DNS” project is to maintain an Internet free from censorship according to Sunde. The alternative root server can accomplish this by providing an alternative system to map familiar domain names such as to the IP addresses that the Internet uses to route traffic.

The announcement of this alternative DNS system is immediately on the heels of the Department of Homeland Security seizing a number of domain names linked to websites that are linked to illegal files haring.  Sites such as, DVDcollects, and were taken over by the DHS and visitors were greeted by an image explaining the seizure.  In all, more than 70 domain names were seized.  Surprisingly, The Pirate Bay escaped this round of seizures despite them being a high profile target in the past.  Another popular torrent tracking site, Demonoid,com recently announced that it will be changing it's domain name to  The U.S. does not have jurisdiction over .me as it does over .com.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Excessive Kaseya Database Size

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For years, we had set Kaseya to maintain 30 days of log files for workstations and servers that we manage.  However, a matter arose that made it really attractive to have access to a larger amount of historical data as what we wanted to double check was well beyond 30 days out.  There's nothing that could be done in that case, but can this headache be eliminated moving forward?  Kaseya support said that there would be no ill effects by upping this to 365 days or more, it would just cause the ksubscribers database to grow.  And since our database server was barely breaking a sweat, we made the change.

Fast forward about a year, and our previously 35GB ksubscribers database had ballooned up to well over 400GB, and everything involving Kaseya was dog slow.  The breaking point came when I could no longer get a reapply schema operation to complete.  It would fail at a different point each time, but not too far off from each other failure.  Since we were a couple revisions of Kaseya behind, and a new version was due to come out soon, I figured it was time to address this. Dropping the log retention back to 30 days did nothing, so I opened a ticket. 

The support tech found that the reapply schema failure was because the operation was timing out before completion due to the size of the database.  He was able to increase the timer so that it would finish, and then reset it back to it's original value.  He did not tell me what the value was or where I could find it and noted that leaving it too high would ultimately mask serious issues later on.  

Once we had a reapply schema completed, I was left with these steps to get the database size back under control.  We were told to only do this during a maintenance window, but since steps 2 and 3 took several days each, and everything ran fine while it was running, we couldn't do so.  Nobody can have a maintenance window on their main business app for a week or more.
  1. Stop IIS and the Kaseya services.
  2. In SQL Management Studio, run the following:
  3. Reindex / Rebuild the indexes.  We were provided with a stored procedure to do this, I'll have to dig it up but a Kaseya support tech should have it.
    • exec [dbo].[sp_rebuildindexes]
  4. Update the DB statistics.  Again, we were provided with a stored procedure to do this. 
    • EXEC [dbo].[sp_update_stats]
    • @dbs = N'ksubscribers'
  5. Start IIS and Kaseya services.
  6. Access Kaseya VSA web interface and double check the database size reported under System > Statistics. 
  7. Run Reapply Schema.  
