Thursday, December 31, 2015 in Packet Tracer - Section 4

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In this previous post, I began to look into working through the Free CCNA Workbook in Packet Tracer.  I had worked through the first three sections, and found that while there were some unsupported commands here and there, there was not anything missing that I would consider to be a show stopper so far.  So moving along, I have worked through Section 4 tonight and here's what I found. For reference, I am using the latest version of Packet Tracer for Linux available from the NetAcad website at the time of this writing, which is version 6.2.  Your results may vary on the Windows version, but I doubt it.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015 in Packet Tracer Through Section 3

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I had a discussion with somebody on line a while back on the feasibility of working through the labs at using Cisco Packet Tracer. After a little back and forth and a lot of thought on the matter, I decided to give it a try rather than continue to speculate. Since I haven't used the program in years, I logged into my NetAcad account and downloaded the latest version ( and installed it on my desktop. And no, I will not provide you with a copy, so don't bother asking.