Can't create new Office Web Apps farm: The server must be joined to a domain.
Seeing this error message was a bit frustrating to say the least, because the server was indeed joined to a domain. After a bunch of searching with Google, I finally came across the answer. While setting up the server, I had installed IIS before .NET, so I needed to register ASP.NET. The required bits in IIS were already installed, so it was just a matter of registration. This can be done with the following steps:
- Open an elevated command prompt or PowerShell console.
- execute the command start Microsoft.NET
- navigate to c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
- execute the command asp_regiis.exe /i
- execute the command iisreset or restart the server
Other things to check for when getting this error are to ensure that your server really is connected to a domain (and that the server account in AD is not broken) and that you have the correct DNS Server specified in the network settings.
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