Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Do the Google

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It still surprises me that in 2016, there are still people out there who cannot, or will not, use Google to find the answer to their question.  I'm the admin of a large group on Facebook that exists primarily for people pursuing the CCNA certification, though most technical discussion that stays on the right side of the law is permitted.  Since we get at least one question a day that involves something that could be solved in 10 seconds with Google such as "what is the CCNA?" or "what is Spanning Tree?" I've decided to put together a page explaining how to use Google to find what you're looking for.  And for the Microsoft slappies out there, you are more than welcome to try that other "search engine" as long as you're enjoying it's crap results.  I for one very rarely got good results when I tried it a couple times in the past.

In case you were wondering, the title of this post, "Do the Google" came from a poster on Reddit by the name of /u/sajaschi, in the Tales from Tech Support sub-reddit, that he heard from a family member who's computer he supported.   I liked the term and immediately told him that I'm stealing it. The thread is here for completeness.