Here's just a quick little blurb about a problem I ran into this morning. The cables for my SAS controller FINALLY arrived yesterday, so I installed them last night. With the additional storage now available, I moved a couple VMs over to give the existing datastore some breathing room.
It's not a very intuitive process, you have to browse the datastore, right click on the folder containing the VMs files, and select move. From there, you'd think ESXi would be smart enough to figure it all out, but you'd be wrong. I had to remove the VM from inventory, then add it back in from it's new location. But that's not the end of the fun, both of the ones I moved got stuck at 35% when powering them back on.
So here's what happened because you may not see the problem right away. When I clicked on the summary for the VM (Not the default tab when you go to the VM in the vSphere client), you'll see a bright yellow box asking if you moved the VM or if you copied it because it knows you've done one or the other. I selected "I Moved It," and then the VM's finished starting up without any further delay.
It's not a very intuitive process, you have to browse the datastore, right click on the folder containing the VMs files, and select move. From there, you'd think ESXi would be smart enough to figure it all out, but you'd be wrong. I had to remove the VM from inventory, then add it back in from it's new location. But that's not the end of the fun, both of the ones I moved got stuck at 35% when powering them back on.
So here's what happened because you may not see the problem right away. When I clicked on the summary for the VM (Not the default tab when you go to the VM in the vSphere client), you'll see a bright yellow box asking if you moved the VM or if you copied it because it knows you've done one or the other. I selected "I Moved It," and then the VM's finished starting up without any further delay.